Selfies With Benefits

Skin Science

Selfies With Benefits

by Neutrogena
April 3, 2024

Say goodbye to ordinary filters and hello to a whole new level of selfies! Neutrogena Skin360® revolutionizes your skincare game. This virtual skin analysis tool does more than just add cute effects - it actually measures dark spots, wrinkles, fine lines, and texture to help determine your skin's vitals. How cool is that?

How it works

Simply scan your face and let our innovative skin tech do its magic. Within seconds, it analyzes over 2,000 facial attributes and a whopping 100,000 skin pixels. The result? Your very own customized Skin360 score across 6 skin attributes. And guess what? Your scores change as your skin changes, so you'll always stay in the know.

But that's not all - Skin360 takes it a step further. After identifying your top skin concern and answering a few questions, it suggests morning and evening products as well as key ingredients specific to your skin goals. It can even recommend a tinted sunscreen that matches your unique skin tone! Talk about personalized skincare.

Constantly evolving

Neutrogena Skin360® has come a long way since its launch. It started as an external device that connected to your phone, but now it's all about convenience. From 2018-2023, we introduced the Skin360™ mobile app, allowing you to scan your face right from your phone with an AI skin coach named NAIA, who provided personalized advice and insights. In 2020, we launched the web version of Skin360, making it even more accessible and user-friendly. No account needed - just dive right in!

Our dermatologists and scientists continue to work hard to make sure Skin360 is as accurate and effective as possible. They help advance the skin scanning technology, now informed by more than 10,000 different faces that span different ages and ethnicities.

We're not stopping there. We're committed to bringing you an even richer experience with new updates and enhanced functionality to make Skin360 more personalized and useful.

Your best skin is waiting!

So, what are you waiting for? Don't just dream of flawless skin - make it a reality with Neutrogena Skin360®. Try our web-based tool today and discover what you can do to help your skin look and feel its absolute best.

Beauty begins with healthy skin, so we're bringing you skin science and how-to guides to help you achieve your best skin ever.

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